At the point of registration, users shall be made to consent to be bound by our privacy policy before their account is created. By clicking continue, you agree to be bound by Briefed’s privacy policy.

The privacy policy of Briefed Limited is regulated by the provision of the Nigerian Data Privacy Regulation, 2019 (NDPR): it is the intention of Briefed Limited that its users are such as could be conveniently protected under the NDPR, therefore, by agreeing to be bound by this privacy policy, it is expressly consented to by users that the NDPR shall exclusively apply regarding the treatment of data that may be collected by Briefed.

This privacy policy may from time to time be reviewed by us, upon which a notification may issue to users for consent, we therefore strongly advise that each relevant section is checked by our users as often as possible for changes.

Your Personal Data

Briefed (we, us) collects and processes personal data of users like name, addresses/location, phone number, email addresses, valid means of identification, evidence of professional qualification, transactional information, payment information and other related data necessary for properly verifying the identity of users, processing users request and protecting users and ensuring safe service delivery. Additionally, relevant information may be automatically collected by us through cookies and similar technologies while you access, browse, view or otherwise use our platforms to processes or receive data or while you are a subject of these processes by another user. While information that are personal to users are protected under this policy, non-personal information may not.

Kindly note that users may not be able to access some of our services until they have fully supplied relevant data necessary for fully identifying and verifying users’ personal and professional identities.

How we use your personal data

Briefed processes users’ personal data for good and legitimate reasons which majorly are for the purpose of carrying out our obligation to render satisfactory services to our users and for the furtherance of our legitimate corporate interest.

Disclosure and sharing of data

We have a duty to keep personal data collected from our users safe. Except it is expedient, and in situations where we consider it necessary to serve our users well or carrying out our obligations under the law, Briefed may not share or disclose personal data with third parties. In situations where we share personal data with partners or third party service providers (whether local or foreign), they are brought under an obligation to protect same as much as we would under the law.

It is important to note that Briefed may from time to time pursuant to some valid legal reasons disclose or otherwise handle personal data for the purpose of;

  • Complying with a legal obligation as required by law under applicable laws, regulations or guidelines as maybe by issued by relevant regulatory bodies or an order of court.
  • For the aim of protecting other users against threats to or an outright breach of their personal, economic or proprietary rights.
  • Upon a reasonable suspicion and a formal complaint disclosing commission of crime or a professional misconduct and where such information is so necessary for the purpose of investigation and justice.
  • And for other purposes for which your consent may be obtained from time to time.

How long we keep the data we collect

The personal information we collect are kept for a time reasonable enough to ensure a full realization of the purpose. Where there is a need to, certain data may be kept for a longer period than usual.

Storage of data we collect
Briefed ensures that personal information of users is safely kept and may also employ the services of third parties for the purpose of performing this obligation.

Rights of users with respect to data they supply
We acknowledge and ensure all the rights of our users under the NDPR to access, rectify, erase, place a request for transfer or object to the processing of certain personal data which they have provided us. All these rights are subject to some exemptions and necessary modifications provided for under the relevant laws.

Notifications and Promotions
Briefed may from time to time send informational, educative and marketing messages to users’ emails and/or phone numbers when we have your permission to do so or on automatic and default setting basis. Users reserve the right to unsubscribe from this function if they no longer wish to receive such notifications.